Macro and Close Up Competition (March 2025)

Norman Marsh had a very difficult job judging 51 entries in the digital image section.  There was a wide range of subjects covering still life and nature as well as some extremely creative entries.  There was also an encouraging number of photogaphers taking part, including some of our newer members.  The judge’s critiques were succinct and greatly appreciated by everyone:  many of his comments were relevant to photography in general not just a particular image, so it was an educational evening for us all.    Sadly, the print section was only supported by one member, so a winner by default!!!!! Many thanks to Norman for his valued feedback.

The results were as follows:

Digital Image

Highly Commended

Malcolm Balmer             Alder Catkin

Malcolm​ Balmer             Through the Eye of a Needle
Steve Davenport              Autumn Fly

Steve Davenport              The Common Blue

Chrissie Dowding            Bearded Seal
Pam​ Watts                        Yes I am watching you



Roger Gibson                    Red Thread



Wendy​ Jackson                Brazilian Mossy Frog



Mark​ Tatchell                    Heath Fritillary



First Place

Elizabeth​ Jubb                  Helebore



Shoot a Theme Competition (January 2025)

On Tuesday 14th January we held our a Shoot Theme Competition with the theme of homes and houses.   Plenty of entries meant lots of thought had to go in to choosing our favourite image. Mat Phillips came out on top with his image of "Clutter" and also bagged 2nd place with his image called 'Welcome' which was a wonderful picture of a Tarantula coming out of its ‘home’. Members then gave short explanations of their images which is always very interesting and entertaining. 

The winning. images can be viewed within the gallery. (Gallery)

Overton Cup Competition (November 2024)

KOn 26th November we held our Iris Overton Cup.  This is our annual black and white competition where both digital and print images were displayed. Our judge for the evening was Malcolm McNaughton.  Thanks for doing such a great job Malcolm, a lot was learned from your excellent critique  

This was an excellent evening with 39 digital images and 11 prints being shown.  The standard of entry was extremely high.

Congratulations go to Mark Taylor who won the print section with his image Sea Wall, and to Mat Philips who won the Digital section with his image Don't look Back.

Full results are as follows:


1st - Don’t Look Back - Mat Phillips

2nd - The Resting Place - Wendy Jackson

3rd - Chapelhay Steps - Steve Davenport

HC - Cascade - Sarah Simpson

HC - The Stairway - Steve Davenport

HC - New and Old - Pam Watts

HC - Meandering Road - Mark Taylor


1st - Sea Wall - Mark Taylor

2nd - Aquilegia- Sarah Simpson

3rd - Fly Wheel - Malcolm Balmer

HC - Swirly Woods - Sarah Simpson.


Annual SBA Shield Competition (OCTOBER 2024)

On 22nd October we were pleased to welcome members of Shaftesbury, South Petherton, Wincanton, and Yeovil Camera Clubs to the village hall and to host the Bradford Abbas Shield.

Our judge for the evening, Rose Atkinson, was set an extremely difficult task in judging 25 digital images, and 25 prints of the highest quality.  The theme ‘ TREES ONE OR MORE OR PARTS THEREOF’ was creatively represented by a each club.

With a score of 186, Sherborne Bradford Abbas Camera Club were awarded the shield for this year and will now meet to decide on the theme for next seasons competition, which will take place in March 2026.

This was indeed a very enjoyable evening, and congratulations should go to all clubs for the quality of the images put forward for consideration.


Annual Open Competition (May 2024)

With a fantastic gallery of images on display, the judge, Laura Pearce, had her work cut out. Congratulations to all those whose images were recognised. The winning and placed images are below.

Winners Highly Commended (HC)/Commended (C)
1st - Rain in the City by Mat Phillips Hinkley Point by Chris Edgecombe (HC)
2nd - St Just, Cornwall by Terry Connolly Spring by Sarah Simpson (HC)
3rd - Nun's Cross Farm by Chris Edgecombe Shelter from the Storm by Terry Connolly (C)
Mono Prints
1st - Chapter House by Pam Watts Mottisfont by Elizabeth Jubb (HC)
2nd - Hollyhock by Sarah Simpson Abbey Reflections by Ally Morton (C)
3rd - Making Planks by Mark Taylor
Colour Prints
1st - Wiltshire Farmland by Mark Taylor Spring Woodland Tapestry by Pam Watts (HC)
2nd - Marigold by Sarah Simpson Reaching Out by Elizabeth Jubb (C)
3rd - Autumn Tunnel by Ally Morton

Macro and Close Up Competition (March 2024)

This competition was clearly about quality over quantity.  More digital images than prints but the judge, Alan Denison, was particularly complimentary about the standard of both.  Alan had taken a lot of time to preview the DPIs and gave feedback to match that.  He said he was impressed with the quality of the prints and found it very difficult to decide on the placings.  Well done to everyone who submitted images. The results are as follows:

Winners Highly Commended
1st - Six Spot Bernet Emerges from Puparium by Mark Tatchell Spade Dweller by Chris Edgecombe
2nd - Black-Veined White Butterflies on Burnt Tip Orchid by Annette Beardsley Parrot Tulip by Sarah Simpson
3rd - Four Spotted Chaser by Steve Davenport High Brown Fritillary Takes Flight by Mark Tatchell
1st - Blue Thistle by Elizabeth Jubb Garden Spider by Mark Taylor
2nd - Anemone by Sarah Simpson
3rd - Jewels in the Morning Mist by Pam Watts

Shoot a Theme Competition (Jan 2024)

This competition saw a wonderful and wide range of images around the theme of "motion blur" chosen by last year's winner Ally. This year's winner, by some margin, is Chris Dowding with an absolutely stunning image of a Damsel fly.

The Iris Overton Cup (Nov 2023)

What a wonderful evening we had on Tuesday night for the Iris Overton Cup – some great photos, great judging and feedback, and some very difficult decisions to be made.

Thank you to John Tilsley for making the evening entertaining with constructive critique and encouragement on all images.

Congratulations to the winners and those whose photos were highly commended.

Winners Highly Commended
1st - Crocus by Sarah Simpson The Cats coming home on my scooter - Pam Watts
2nd - Portland Bill by Chris Edgecombe The Mountaineers Retreat by Terry Connolly
3rd - Misty Morning Dog Walk by Chris Edgecombe The Cygnets by Steve Davenport
1st - The Eye of the Trunk by Pam Watts HC - Is this How I Do it Grandpa? by Pam Watts
2nd - HortonTower by Chris Edgecombe
3rd - Acer by Sarah Simpson

Bradford Abbas Shield Competition (Oct 2023)

Another great night with a hall full of members from the 5 participating camera clubs! The quality of the images was exceptional as always, with Wincanton leading the first half with a strong DPI submission. The prints were shown in the second half, but Wincanton couldn’t hold off Shaftesbury, who pipped them to the post my just one point!

The judge, Norman Marsh, provided some very valuable and noteworthy feedback.

Congratulations to Shaftesbury for taking the top spot, worthy winners of this years shield. Thank you to everyone who came, helping to make this a very enjoyable evening.

The final results were as follows:

1st - Shaftesbury - 169 marks; 2nd - Wincanton - 168 marks; 3rd - South Petherton - 167; marks 4th - Yeovil - 162 marks; 5th - Sherborne Bradford Abbas - 157 marks

These were the 10 images put forward to represent our club's submission for the Bradford Abbas Shield competition.

Macro and Close-up Competition (March 2023)

Winners Highly Commended
1st - Dandelion by Steve Davenport Vatican Statues by Pete Bull
2nd - Cricket by Chris Edgecombe Costa Rican Butterfly by Pete Bull
3rd - Sunset by Steve Davenport Chaser Bee by Chas Williams
1st - Sarah Simpson

Iris Overton Cup (November 2022)

A great turn out of members attended our Overton Cup Competition and there was a record number or digital entries too. There were also 9 prints which was great to see. We also welcomed some new members to the meeting.

The entries were all of a very high standard which made our judge, Penny Piddock’s job very hard indeed!  Thank you for doing such a sterling job Penny.

The results were as follows:

Winners Highly Commended
1st - Early Morning Walkies by Garrod Gray Waiting for Cod by Mark Tatchell
2nd - Misty Morning on Ham Hil by Mark Taylor Lemurs by Steve Davenport
3rd - Kite Surfer by Steve Davenport Juvenile Robin by Chas Williams
1st - Dwarf Iris by Sarah Simpson Reflection on the Somerset Levels by Mike Hermann
2nd - Boat Repairs While You Wait by Ally Morton Where To Next by Elizabeth Jubb
3rd - Church Lane by Malcolm Balmer